
Rafael Asenjo Plaza



Dept. Computer Architecture

University of Málaga


E.T.S.I. Ingeniería de Telecomunicación

Complejo Tecnológico, Campus de Teatinos

29071, Málaga, Spain


Office:    +34 952 132 791

Fax:        +34 952 132 790

E-mail:    asenjo at uma dot es

In short:

Rafael Asenjo received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Telecommunications Engineering in 1993 and his Ph.D. degree in 1997, both from the University of Malaga, Spain. He was an Associate Professor at the Computer Architecture Department, Univ. of Malaga, from 2001 till 2017, and has been a Full Professor since then. His research interests include programming models, parallel programming, heterogeneous computing, parallelizing compilers and multiprocessor architecture.

Among other subjects, he has mainly taught “Computer Architecture”, “Operating Systems”, “Real Time Systems”, “Emerging Architectures” and “Computer Fundamentals” in the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación and Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial. He has also taught “Parallel Programming” in the Master in Mecatronic and “Mobile Devices Architectures” in the Master in “Telecommunication Engineering”

He served as General Chair for ACM PPoPP'16. He has served as an Organization Committee member for CCGrid'17, HPCS'14, PPoPP'11, ParCo'05 and HPCA'04, as well as a Programm Commitee member for SBAC-PAD'18, PACT'17, EuroPar'17, SBAC-PAD'17, RePara'17, SC'15, HIP3ES'17, '16, '15, IPDPS'13, '14, SBAC-PAD'12, PMEA'09 and '10. Along with Michael Voss and James Reinders he has co-authored the latest book (open access) on Threading Building Blocks (TBB).


Personal web


Pro TBB book

  * Free PDF at Apress

  * Free Kindle file at Amazon


